Thursday, September 15, 2016

Five things to Know about mooncake Festival

This Thursday will be a big day across much of East Asia. Families will gather for dinner, lanterns will be everywhere, and people will be out and about, mostly staring at the bright full moon while having aptly named moon cakes as desserts.
 Mid-Autumn Festival, also known by other names like the Moon Festival or the Moon Cake Festival. It’s celebrated on the 15th day of the eighth month in the traditional East Asian lunar calendar, which falls on Sept. 15 in the Gregorian calendar this year. From Korea to Vietnam, from Japan to Singapore, this occasion will be marked by various customs and festivities. Here are five interesting things to know about the day:

The tradition of family gathering and moon gazing in the evening of Mid-Autumn Festival is associated with the folklore tale of the Chinese moon goddess, Chang’e.
Legend has it that Chang’e levitated all the way to the moon when she overdosed on an elixir of life, intended originally for her husband who shot nine extra suns out of the sky with arrows. Her only companions on the lunar surface include a rabbit and a man condemned to Sisyphean tree-cutting.Image result for tHANKS TO THE GLOBALIZATION IMAGESWhile there have always been different variations of moon cakes across Asia, including some savory ones, the classic sweet pastry most closely associated with the festival has been made the same way for centuries: salty egg yolks stuffed in paste made from lotus seeds or beans.Image result for MOONCAKE IMAGESAnother popular Chinese folk tale about the Mid-Autumn Festival involves the 14th century overthrow of the Mongolian empire in China. Ethnic Han rebels reportedly smuggled written instructions into moon cakes delivered to their fellow citizens on the evening of one Mid-Autumn Festival, inciting them to take up arms and overthrow their oppressive rulers.Image result for HANDMADE TRADITIONAL LANTERN MOONCAKE FESTIVALTraditional handmade lanterns are in paper and lit with candles. More luxurious models might have a rattan or wooden frame,amazing Image result for MOONCAKE FESTIVAL LAY A CANDLE IN THE WATER IMAGES
Great EXPERIENCE While lanterns are still alive and well in Hong Kong, what used to light them up has become an end in itself. Literally known as wax-boiling, the highly dangerous act involves melting candles by the carton in empty moon-cake containers, then splashing water onto the hot, burning wax.
Predictably, the practice that some people humorously call “annual legal arson” has caused multiple serious burn cases almost every Mid-Autumn Festival over the years. By the 21st century, Hong Kong government made what it calls “tampering with hot wax” illegal in public areas — surely one of the only jurisdictions on earth to write hot wax into its criminal code