Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Visit New York

This past July my family and I traveled to New York City.  My brother was able to go to the Pinewood Derby Championship held in Time’s Square, so my Mom and Dad decided to make the trip a one week family vacation.
This was a really cool trip for me because I got to see New York City and experience life in a big city.  It was a positive experience because I was able to experience city life, different cultures, and travel with my family.
We traveled to New York on a train.  This was a fun trip because I like train rides.  We arrived in the evening, went to the hotel, and then straight to the sushi restaurant across Time’s Square from our hotel.  I love sushi
After we were done eating, we walked through Time’s Square to get to Madame Tussauds Wax Museum, where we saw famous Actors and Models.  As we walked through Time’s Square, I was amazed at all of the advertisements for Broadway shows, movies, and fashion companies.
On the weekend we went to the Gazillion Bubbles Show, which was an off-Broadway show.  I loved watching the girl perform her act using bubbles and special tools  This inspired me to be her.  Later that night we went to another Broadway show, SpongeBob.  This was amazing and the show was so funny.  I think I could be one of the Actresses someday.
Our next stop was the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.  Both were really cool except for the heat.  Ellis Island inspired me because it shows how immigrants came to America with the strength and will to build a new life.  This shows me that you can do anything if you believe in it and try hard to achieve it.
On our last day, we went to the Macy’s Fourth of July Fireworks display.  I loved all of the fireworks and watching them from the shore of the East River.  It made me glad to be living in the United States, a country that gives anyone the opportunity to achieve what they put their mind to and work hard for.
Finally, my trip to New York City was an amazing experience.  It had a positive effect on my future aspirations and what is out there for me to achieve.  The shows, sights, sounds, lights, history, and activities will be something I will never forget and hope to visit again someday.  I recommend everyone visit New York City.
I Love New York! Follow my Journey  ...!

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